Friday, October 31, 2008



I'm not really much into Halloween actually. I enjoy the holiday & all don't get me wrong. I definatly love seeing all the little kids out in their costumes. & I had a blast dressing up Brianna & taking her out this year. I however do not put Halloween up with other important holidays like Christmas, Easter, St.Patty's Day (Yes, I'm Irish, it goes up there with the other ones!). It actually seems kinda tacky to me when I see houses that are decorated up like they would be for Christmas except that the lights are orange, there are huge bats & witches instead of santa & reindeer. I don't know. Just seems tacky.

Anyways! I'm not that into it, but I did enjoy this evening with my daughter & husband. I hope everyone else had a fun & safe Halloween too!:o)

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